Pathfinder Project Update #4


D365 Integrated Customer Form

The design of the form and the build of the MVP are now complete. Work is ongoing to integrate the form with Ocella, Civica 360 and Civica Pay. For bookings, D365 will synchronise with the planning officers’ shared Outlook team calendar.

Ocella (Server Migration)

Ocella and Havering ICT completed the initial migration. 512 SQL errors automatically identified. Work commenced identifying manual SQL corrections required. Training provided for planning business support to recode SQL in Ocella to ensure minimal downtime at Phase 2 of migration (migration required to allow Power BI to operate in a SQL server environment as the modern standard).

Power BI

Initial training overview provided for planning business support who will own all PowerBI reporting responsibilities post project. Several PowerBI prototypes have been produced. This will be included in our third Show & Tell.

Next steps:

  • Integration builds for all systems above.
  • Complete specialist Ocella training for planning business support.
  • Start re-write of all old Oracle documents in Ocella and start fixing SQL errors in Ocella to prevent broken integrations at Phase 2 migration.
  • Complete PowerBI prototypes for all 100 Ocella performance/management information reports.
  • Start compiling reusable components library and methodology for other Ocella councils.

