Digital inclusion triage tool — Prototype sprint


The Alpha phase is coming to an end and our prototype is almost ready.

Our deliverables in this sprint were:

  • Front and back end development
  • User testing
  • Iterating

We carried out user testing during this period and identified a few common issues that we are working to resolve::

  1. Have’s instead of Need’s

Users generally did not recognise themselves as excluded. When we asked if they need access to the internet they said no. If we ask them do they ‘have’ access to the internet we get a better understanding of what help they may need.

2. Explanatory text not utilised/acknowledged

in most instances the explanatory text was not being read so we need to make sure the headline questions are appropriate and understandable, even if they are slightly longer.

3. Postcode reaction highly varied

We had a mixed reaction to entering a postcode. This gives the user a more tailored experience however some users did not want to enter a postcode at this point in the journey.

We have the option to leave it blank and allow them to continue on without the postcode or we can move it to a different part of the journey (possibly at the end)

4. Support and access needs

Users generally understood and appreciated what we meant by support and access needs however felt the options were too limited and didn’t cover all support and access needs.

We have only displayed the support and access needs that are representative of the available directory interventions and we do anticipate adding more in as the directory develops.

The Prototype

The prototype is available for you to review and test. Please provide feedback using the feedback link on the front page.

What we are working on now:

  • RefinProviding the directory management and triage analysis screens — delivering the directory user management interfaces and the interfaces for analysing people’s use of the triage tool.
  • Refining directory presentation — inputting resources around each category intervention.
  • Improving the functionality of the directory — improving the search tool — defining key search terms and improving the usability of the directory for different users.

In conducting this final piece of work on the prototype we are also returning to reconsider some of the potential future features that have been raised during the course of this Alpha Phase. Features that could be developed in the Beta of the tool and help support fringe and niche use cases, such as:

  • Time sensitive interventions — how can such a directory also signpost event based interventions, recurring or with defined end dates/times?
  • Detecting dead links, pages & sites — for reducing the maintenance workload and improving usability can a specific program help to identify and improve how dead links are resolved or removed?
  • Additional access & administration — how can such a tool provide support for other siloed directories: for example can multiple triage tools operate from a single directory instance to support different users such as community navigators or specific members of front line staff?

