Digital Inclusion Triage — Alpha


Our goal for this Alpha phase is to understand what a common pattern for Digital inclusion Triaging and signposting would look like and prototype this tool for user testing.

The Alpha is split into 5 sprint, we have recently completed the discovery sprint and are part way through the design sprint.

Plan for alpha

In our earlier research phase we investigated directories so that we could understand how this tool might work.

During this research phase we came across Hoop’d which is an intellegent directory, making services and local area information more accessible. We explained our vision to the team from Mortar works who designed and developed this directory and it became clear that we could partner on this to develop a prototype using the hoop’d.

One of the first task we needed to tackle was understanding the range of possible interventions.

We identified in the discovery phase that there were 4 main needs:

  • Access to a device
  • Access to the internet
  • Skills to do things online
  • Support to do things online

We also identified that some users will have a topic of specific need e.g. they want help with a Universal Credit application or learn how to set up and use zoom.

Possible interventions

We started a mapping exercise and have identified over 120 potential interventions. This has enabled us to start a structured process of categorising local area and digital resources, a process which informs the necessary structure and functionality of the directory the tool will employ.

Structuring the directory

This same structure and functionality (exactly how resources are tagged and categorised within the directory) also informs our design of the triage questions, and the underlying algorithm which will be used to enable the user to successfully navigate through the triage process to be presented with results appropriate to their answers and responses upon its completion.

Through this process of design we are able to define a triage tool capable of serving users with multiple needs, to be responsive to each user’s locational interest, and to be able to respond to specific support and access.

What’s next

We are now in the design sprint and we are working on the questions and answers to identify the need and create a prototype of the tool.

We’ll showcase this in our next show and tell on 20th April.

You can watch the recent sprint show and tell on teams.

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