Development Management Software Project Launch


On 1 February 2022, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities held a launch event for the Development Management Software Pathfinder projects.

Havering and seven other council-led Pathfinder projects will work in collaboration with their existing software providers to explore ways to enhance their planning services. During the event, all the councils introduced their objectives and project plans for the coming months.

Havering aims to deliver an end-to-end, user-centred planning pre-application process that will:

  • improve reporting of planning data
  • make records easily accessible
  • increase process efficiency
  • share reusable practises with other Local Planning Authorities.

We have identified the following user stories that we want to address:

As a customer,

I want to book, pay and receive updates on my planning pre-application advice appointment,

so that I can receive prompt advice on my plans.

As a Local Planning Authority planning team,

We want to design scalable architecture using PowerBI to manage data,

so that we meet our future reporting needs and can share knowledge with other authorities using PowerBI.

As a planning manager,

I want to access reports using a web-based management information solution,

so that I minimise the use of static, inflexible formats (e.g. PDFs).

You can watch the launch event on YouTube.

